Monday, January 5, 2009

The Coming Year

Here's the wager: A year from now… will you be leading a tribe of people? Will you be creating stories, connecting people, giving them a platform and making things better for people who care about each other? I'm betting you will.
Seth Godin

I’m a fan of Mr. Godin and his new book Tribes seems to speak to ‘where I’m at’ these days.

Everywhere I go hear, folks are talking about a ‘reset’ and a ‘do-over’. It’s exciting and scary because change always sounds good in theory but requires sacrifice of some sort in practice. And I don’t like giving up anything to which I’ve become accustomed. Who does? I like having a car, buying fresh fruit in January and exotic tea from around the world.

It’s not that I’m looking forward to the personal sacrifices. I am enjoying how folks are coming together to fix or create. We’re joining forces, sharing experience and helping each other. That’s the essence of peer-to-peer networking and mentoring. (I get excited just writing about it!)

Whether it is about the economy, the environment, careers, parenting, cooking or world peace - “like minds” cause things to happen. Networking is about finding those minds. Mentoring is sharing the information available.

A year from now will most likely see a great deal of change that is out of our immediate sphere of influence. But how we choose to incorporate change and react to it…. how we support each other… how we know we are a community that pulls together … will be where we can find joy and the caring that makes those potential sacrifices a bit easier.

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